- Created new PowerPoint and hand-out for Web evaluation workshops.
- Altered my library orientation PowerPoint for each class.
- Observed Jill’s library orientation.
Collection Development
Began database acquisitions management.
- Contacted appropriate vendors re: free trials, etc.
- Gained final approval from dean and librarians for annual renewal of several databases.
- Met with English instructor (England) to plan library orientations.
- Discussed plans with instructor (Kemp) for library orientation classes.
- Completed interview with Nancy Ikeda for FCSD Road Report: http://campaign.r20.Constant cMyNm1sdx3cF3haebksTfKcp20ZymQR_cB6YndP3zVY4qJYOLHj_yCGq0ctei4lkNuikTQ%3D
Information Sharing
- Provided editing suggestions for the library accreditation self-study.
- Updated wiki list of opening procedures.
- Assisted at reference desk #1, #2, and help desk.
- Organized 3 meetings with copier vendors.
- Attained information to fax to assist with bidding.
- Maintained communication with Olivia and Darin.
- Participated in 2 librarian business meetings.
- Conducted 3 acquisitions staff meetings, including Oanh, Masumi, & Betsy.
- Met with Jane 2 * (re: archives and emergency planning).
- Worked with Chris Fighera to produce answers for WESTPAS self-review.
- Met with Erica 3 * (re: systems matters/teaching).
- Met with Jackie 2* (re: acquisitions).
- Met with Dave 1 * (re: database acquisitions).
Tenure Review
- Maintained tenure review Web page:
- Met with Tenure Review Committee.
- Began tenure review folder.
Professional Development
- Invited by California Library Association (CLA) president to present as a panel member for the closing session of the CLA Annual Conference.
- Prepared grant application for Staff Development Committee, awarded $700 (pending final approval).
- Planned for California Library Association conference, inc. booking flight/hotel.