Sunday, September 6, 2020

Fall 2020 Tenured Faculty Triennial Evaluation Portfolio


LibAnswers Stats from the Past Month:

LibAnswers Chat Ref Sampler:

A Sunday in September example:

Acquisitions strawbrarian asking a student to complete a survey:

LibAnswers chat discussion

Yours truly asking student to break into campus at the start of COVID pandemic:

More seriously, my communicating w/ an instructor about online workshops:

Just to add some a couple more recent ref questions. Thank you for your time.

November 12, 2020

Note from Anya Shyrokova (Nov 12 2020, 08:10am):

Hi! Though maybe you'd be the better judge of how this fits into the wider library acquisitions policy. Thanks! - Anya

Book Inquiry


Hope all is well. Our press wanted to inquire about how we can make our forthcoming book, Mississippi Prison Writing, known to your library for possible inclusion in your collection ? We feel it is an important cultural publication that should be read by as many people as possible. Any information would be appreciated.


Louis Bourgeois
Prison Writes Initiative
Asked By: VOX PRESS 

Good day, Louis,
The librarian who is the subject specialist for this collection development area is Librarian, Online Learning Lugene Rosen (lrosen@fullcoll.edu714.992.7383,, and You might want to reach out to her. FCL strives to offer students a well-developed collection of print books and eResources. The librarians welcome recommendations for supplemental research additions and leisure reads. Selections are constrained by both budget and the college accreditation requirement that library resources support supplemental research. Regarding research materials – FCL strives to offer students a well-developed collection of print books and eResources, and we welcome your recommendations for supplemental research additions and leisure reads. 
Within a limited budget, the librarians select titles to supplement course content for their collection subject areas by consulting a number of sources/using knowledge gained from: 1) Faculty and student surveys and requests; 2) Library conference presenters’ recommendations and selection lists; 3) Reference questions; 4) Library periodicals, such as Library Journal and Reference & User Services Quarterly; 5) Professional library review resource Choice online; 6) Community requests; 7) Book award lists; 8) Course descriptions in Curricunet; and 9) Staff recommendations -- to maintain and develop the library collection. If the appropriate department dean can fund the book(s) or other requested resources, this helps. Please note that reviews are available via OneSearch.
Your project is important, best of luck with your work.
Thank you for your time,


Monique Delatte Starkey  

Acquisitions Strawbrarian  

My gendered proverbs: Moi, Her-culean, She-Ra, Mary, Dorothy's bestie  


November 12, 2020

Guest92267829: Hi! I am an instructor and I was told there was a free copy of "Grading for Equity" by Joe Feldman available for me to pick up at the library. How do I do that?
M D Starkey: Hi, I'm not looped in on this particular book, let me check with the circulation department.
Guest92267829: Thank you
M D Starkey: Oh, I see the email from Jeanne about it...Ok, one moment...
M D Starkey: You may request materials for curbside pick up here:
M D Starkey: Hi, my circ dept colleague is requesting your name
Guest92267829: Mindy Guilford
Guest92267829: Thank you for your help
M D Starkey: Hi, Mindy, It's Monique
M D Starkey: : )
Guest92267829: Hi Monique :) Nice chatting with you. You are, as ever, most helpful!
M D Starkey: You're on the list!
Guest92267829: Thank you
M D Starkey: Oh, thank you! That's nice of you to say 😀
M D Starkey: Sandy is telling me that you can just pick it up from 2p-5p today via curbside pickup. : )
M D Starkey: No need to complete paperwork or anything.
M D Starkey: Sandy says, "She may just need to verify her name when she pick up"
M D Starkey: But, it's ready to go! : )
M D Starkey: If today doesn't work, the other curbside pickup option is Monday, 10a-1p
Guest92267829: I would like to pick it up today. That would be awesome.
M D Starkey: Ty, Mindy! : ) Sandy says that it's ready for pick up today, so everything should be fine.
Guest92267829: Great. So I call the number when I get there and they will bring it out?
M D Starkey: I think they're just waiting there for people, let me ask! : )
M D Starkey: Nope. You're right
M D Starkey: Haha
M D Starkey: Don is not standing outside waiting, as I pictured.
Guest92267829: Ok thanks :)
M D Starkey: Call the number upon arrival.

November 5, 2020

Guest9393477: Good Morning, I am an adjunct instructor in the Technology Dept. How would I access the library resources? Specifically electronic media ? Brian Swartz
M D Starkey: Hi, this is the librarian.
Guest9393477: Hi
M D Starkey: Let me send you those instructions.
Guest9393477: Perfect!
Guest9393477: I would like to have access to on line material, for example,
M D Starkey: 2. Select database, e.g., NexisUni

• When prompted to sign in to the database from off-campus, type your student ID (or faculty ID) and last name.
• OR
• You can also log-in to the FC databases through Canvas, or via MyGateway (through the library channel under the myGateway “Fullerton” tab). Then, select a library database and you’re on your way! If these methods do not work, then we will need to find out what the access problem is, e.g., failure to get the login screen, failure of the server to respond after entering info, error message returned indicating incorrect user ID/password, etc. We will need to know the specific time, student ID & link information.
3. Type your search terms (“kamala harris") in the OneSearch search box (@ the middle/top of the webpage).
4. Click search.
M D Starkey: oops, i cut them off
M D Starkey: 1. From:
2. Select database, e.g., JSTOR

• When prompted to sign in to the database from off-campus, type your student ID (or faculty ID) and last name.
• OR
• You can also log-in to the FC databases through Canvas, or via MyGateway (through the library channel under the myGateway “Fullerton” tab). Then, select a library database and you’re on your way! If these methods do not work, then we will need to find out what the access problem is, e.g., failure to get the login screen, failure of the server to respond after entering info, error message returned indicating incorrect user ID/password, etc. We will need to know the specific time, student ID & link information.
3. Type your search terms (“kamala harris") in the OneSearch search box (@ the middle/top of the webpage).
4. Click search.
M D Starkey: Or another route:
M D Starkey: . From:
2. Type your search terms (“The Goodness Paradox: The Strange Relationship between Virtue and Violence in Human Evolution/Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society") in the OneSearch search box (@ the middle/top of the webpage).
3. Click Search.
Guest9393477: OK! Thanks, I will give it a try, I appreciate your help. Brian
M D Starkey: If you have trouble, let me know
M D Starkey: more info re: library offerings here:
M D Starkey: I'm signing out for a shift change, but if you have further questions, please let us know! : )

Another November 5, 2020 question: 
Guest59023941: Keri
M D Starkey: hello, this is the librarian
Guest59023941: Error
Guest59023941: I just typed so much and it only sent my name
M D Starkey: i'm sorry to hear that!
Guest59023941: I was needing some help with research, and did not know if I need to book an appt
M D Starkey: What are you researching?
M D Starkey: We can get u started
Guest59023941: I am writing my 3rd essay on gun laws and this 3rd one is Rogerian
Guest59023941: So I need to research gun laws/common ground
Guest59023941: or gun laws/solutions
M D Starkey: i would probably look in opposing viewpoints to start
M D Starkey: have you checked there?
Guest59023941: thank you
Guest59023941: not yet
M D Starkey:
Guest59023941: so I would search opposing viewpoints on gun laws?
M D Starkey: Also check this database: Gun Regulation and Legislation in America
M D Starkey: Hein Online
M D Starkey:
M D Starkey: do you know how to get to opposing viewpoints?
Guest59023941: no
M D Starkey: From: 2. Select database, e.g., Gale Opposing Viewpoints • When prompted to sign in to the database from off-campus, type your student ID (or faculty ID) and last name. • OR • You can also log-in to the FC databases through Canvas, or via MyGateway (through the library channel under the myGateway “Fullerton” tab). Then, select a library database and you’re on your way! If these methods do not work, then we will need to find out what the access problem is, e.g., failure to get the login screen, failure of the server to respond after entering info, error message returned indicating incorrect user ID/password, etc. We will need to know the specific time, student ID & link information.
M D Starkey: Type your search terms (“gun control") in the search box (@ the/top of the webpage).
M D Starkey: Do you mind giving it a try?
Guest59023941: yes I'll try it thank you
M D Starkey: great! let us know how it goes...
Guest59023941: ok, and thank you for your prompt response.
M D Starkey: thank you! : )
M D Starkey: 😀
M D Starkey: I'm signing out for a shift change, but if you have further questions, please let us know! : )

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