Wednesday, December 15, 2010
November in Review
1. Sponsored by YALSA --- $1,000 for the American Library Association Emerging Leaders program.
2. Joined Fullerton College Library Hiring Committee.
3. Presented at California Library Association Annual Conference (and wrote CLA conference report).
4. Invited to present at VRA/ARLIS-NA Joint Conference 2011 (Visual Resources Association/Art Libraries Society of North America).
Prepared to teach 6 classes for 4 instructors:
1. Taught 2 library orientation sessions for Kemp’s READ 36. For this class, altered my basic PowerPoint to include information re: the CountryWatch database.
2. Taught 1 library orientation session for Kominek’s ENG 100.
3. Volunteered to teach last-minute class for Flores, ENG 100.
4. Taught 2 library orientation sessions for Chapman’s ENG 36. For this class, altered basic PowerPoint according to the suggestions provided by Chapman at our meeting.
1. Presented items at librarian business meeting, including the art contest flyer that I created using Publisher 2007.
2. Participated in NOCCCD training for hiring committee members.
3. Anaheim: Participated in Konica-Minolta open-house with Hoang.
4. Planned and participated in meetings between Veloz, Hoang, and Acierno, and copy vendors CBE, QCI, and Xerox. (Also corresponded via e-mail re: library copy needs.) Received 3 proposals and ran these by O’Connor and March.
5. Met with Konica-Minolta vendors to briefly discuss bidding. (Also corresponded via e-mail re: library copy needs.)
6. Attended SharePoint meeting.
7. Met with hiring committee.
8. With Boll, met with Fullerton College Foundation.
9. Met with Boll, Hoang, and Oberlin (2 times each).
1. Changed a couple archives items on Web site (following meeting with Ishibashi re: archives Web site).
2. Participated in meeting re: archives (with Boll, Brown, Ishibashi, and Braden).
Acquisitions Department
1. Selected McNaughton titles.
2. Coordinated with database vendors, including JSTOR, to procure pricing estimates and free trials.
3. Worked with IT Project Leader, Rippe, and CountryWatch rep, Sanditen to re-establish off-campus access to CountryWatch via MyGateway.
4. Conference call with Thomson-West to discuss saving money on legal resources.
5. Met with and e-mailed potential periodical and book donors.
Reference and Student Assistance
1. Provided impromptu 30-minute one-on-one research session for a student.
2. Assisted students with research queries at both reference desks.
3. Interacted with students at podium and help desk.
Collaborated with librarians and English Department faculty member, England, to name a winner of the Banned Books Week Animoto video contest, and to share information between the two parties regarding standards for submission of clips to the library Web site.
Monday, November 22, 2010
October in Review
A sampling of the numerous activities integrated into a very busy month @ the library!
· Accepted into American Library Association Emerging Leaders program. (Completed related activities such as registration for American Library Association 2011 conferences.)
· Joined Fullerton College Library Technology Committee.
Taught 7 classes for 3 instructors:
· Taught 2 library orientation sessions for England’s ENG 100. For this class, prepared a unique/new PowerPoint honed to the subject of banned books.
· Taught 1 library orientation session for Kominek’s ENG 100. Edited PowerPoint to reflect the research topic, Thinking Radically.
· Taught 2 library orientation sessions for Kemp’s ENG 36.
· Taught 2 drop-in library sessions using the Evaluating Web Sites PowerPoint and handout that I created (and honed to include colleagues’ suggestions).
· Participated in all-day WESTPAS Scenario Planning & Collaboration Among Libraries & Archives to Improve Disaster Preparedness for Collections meeting.
· Met with three instructors: Chapman; Markley re: anthropology resources; and briefly, Kemp.
· Participated in New Faculty Follow-up Session.
· Participated in 3 librarian meetings.
· Co-interviewed intern for archives.
· Participated in meeting re: archives.
· Completed tenure review portfolio.
· Taught 2 classes observed by Tenure Committee members.
Acquisitions Department
· Nominated three staffers for Classified Employee Recognition.
Student Assistance
· Assisted students with research queries at both reference desks.
· Interacted with students at podium.
· Assisted at help desk.
· Compared/Charted pricing of emergency supplies.
· Looked into Gates grant for colleges.
· Attended Dia de los Muertos Celebration in quad.
· Attended Dia de los Muertos opening at Fullerton College Art Gallery, El Carnaval de las Calaveras.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
September in Review
- Created new PowerPoint and hand-out for Web evaluation workshops.
- Altered my library orientation PowerPoint for each class.
- Observed Jill’s library orientation.
- Contacted appropriate vendors re: free trials, etc.
- Gained final approval from dean and librarians for annual renewal of several databases.
- Met with English instructor (England) to plan library orientations.
- Discussed plans with instructor (Kemp) for library orientation classes.
- Completed interview with Nancy Ikeda for FCSD Road Report: http://campaign.r20.Constant cMyNm1sdx3cF3haebksTfKcp20ZymQR_cB6YndP3zVY4qJYOLHj_yCGq0ctei4lkNuikTQ%3D
- Provided editing suggestions for the library accreditation self-study.
- Updated wiki list of opening procedures.
- Assisted at reference desk #1, #2, and help desk.
- Organized 3 meetings with copier vendors.
- Attained information to fax to assist with bidding.
- Maintained communication with Olivia and Darin.
- Participated in 2 librarian business meetings.
- Conducted 3 acquisitions staff meetings, including Oanh, Masumi, & Betsy.
- Met with Jane 2 * (re: archives and emergency planning).
- Worked with Chris Fighera to produce answers for WESTPAS self-review.
- Met with Erica 3 * (re: systems matters/teaching).
- Met with Jackie 2* (re: acquisitions).
- Met with Dave 1 * (re: database acquisitions).
- Maintained tenure review Web page:
- Met with Tenure Review Committee.
- Began tenure review folder.
- Invited by California Library Association (CLA) president to present as a panel member for the closing session of the CLA Annual Conference.
- Prepared grant application for Staff Development Committee, awarded $700 (pending final approval).
- Planned for California Library Association conference, inc. booking flight/hotel.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Conference attendance will allow:
- Contribution to the body of knowledge.
- Networking with technology professionals and California community college library colleagues.
- Increased learning and networking as related to grants research, a particular interest that I plan to pursue on behalf of the Fullerton College Library. Since 2005, grants that I have written have generated approximately $75,000.00 in monies for libraries.
- Contribution to the committee to which I belong, Reference and User Services Association, Reference Services Section, Library Services to the Spanish-Speaking Population. This committee addresses services to the Spanish-speaking, and directly relates to the first core value of Fullerton College.
- Participation in the panel presentation for the closing session.
- Also included in the college vision (and the initial authorized use) is an emphasis on quality educational offerings. This conference includes workshops and presentations that will enhance pedagogical skills.
- Authorized use number seven perfectly encapsulates the primary focus of CLA Annual 2010. Titled Navigating the New, this conference permits California librarians to coalesce in Sacramento, excited about sharing knowledge regarding tech trends.
- Both the vision of the college and authorized use number six include the concept of lifelong learning --- this conference provides an opportunity for me, as an instructor, to continue to learn.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Monthly Report for (½) Month of August
Contacted three instructors (Kominek, Ison, England, Vincent) to discuss plans for library orientation classes.
Met with Masumi, Betsy, Oanh, Jill, Dave & Jackie, Erica & Jackie, Jackie (twice), Erica (twice), and Jane (twice). Also, practiced using the classroom PA system with Dave.
• Creating PowerPoint for Web evaluation workshops.
• Began a new Web evaluation hand-out that will complement the PowerPoint.
• NOCCCD (all-day training)
• Staff Development (all-day training)
• FLEX day
Information Sharing
Assisted students at reference desk, help desk, info tent, and info podium.
Collection Development
• Began reading/digesting the collection development survey (through H).
• Contacted two persons who wrote Ask a Librarian re: items to add to the collection.
2010 Information Literacy Classes
English 103 – Ison
9.13, 8-8:50a.m.
English 101 – Ison
9.14, 8-8:50a.m.
English 100 – Ison
9.14, 10-10:50p.m.
English 101 – Ison
9.16, 3-3:50p.m.
Counseling 135 – Vincent
10.5, 7:30-8:50a.m.
English 100 – England (Focus on banned books.)
10.11, 10-10:50a.m.
Workshop – Evaluating Web Sites
10.12, 9-10:50a.m.
English 100 – Kominek (Focus on arguing.)
10.14, 1-1:50p.m.
Workshop – Evaluating Web Sites
11.4, 10-10:50a.m.
English 100 – Kominek (Focus on research [to support radical arguments].)
(2007 – 2011). Reference and User Services Association, Reference Services Section, Library Services to the Spanish-Speaking Population Committee.
Application pending for Emerging Leaders, 2011 class (American Library Association).
Friday, July 9, 2010
Teaching a Course for YALSA, Fall 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The young adults began by writing ideas, then creating story boards, then filming their work. Marco Muniz, 6th grader at Grandview Middle School says, "We learned how to make and record movies. It was fun. My favorite part was handling the camera."
Library page, and Citrus College junior, Adriana Acaratachea, assisted with the class, "There's more to film-making than meets the eye. I didn't realize how many takes we would do! It was an experience of a lifetime."
From left:
Denise Garcia (blue sweatshirt), Paula Vo, Jeanette Javier, Jose Javier, Marco Muniz, and Gabriel Javier
Merchandising & Visual Display
Literary Notes
November 2009

o Delatte, M. (Ed.). (2009). Picture Books. NextReads Web site:
o Delatte, M. (Ed.). (2009). Teen Scene. NextReads Web site:
Team-Building Saturdays
July 2009

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Recognition for Excellence in Library Services to Young Adults, Top 25
Saturday, January 2, 2010
• The La Puente Library featured two teen events, foam calaverita-painting and a New Moon party, which attracted a total of 32 teens. We also offered five Teen Tuesday gaming events this month, engaging 67 young adult patrons.
• Approximately 50 people enjoyed the blues stylings of Brother Yusef.
• About 40 children mixed dough for dog treats to be raffled at the East Region Fundraiser.
• 74 persons attended four family gaming programs.
• We provided three family story times with art activities and two toddler story times with art activities, engaging 121 persons.
Professional Development News:
• Selected to teach four-week, online course, Growing, Managing, & Defending the Young Adult Budget, for Young Adult Library Services Association, summer 2010.
Teen Volunteers