• In November, the La Puente Library offered young adults a photo book design program, a silk-painting program, and four Teen Tuesday gaming events, attracting 65 young adult patrons.

o Prepared and delivered several thematic story times, such as the dino-themed story time featuring the Sabuda and Reinhart pop-up Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs; the poem “Baryonyx” in the book Dinothesaurus; the pop-up, pull-out, wheel, flap, and tab book Dinosaur Museum, a National Geographic title; and My Terrific Dinosaur Book, a lift, touch, and pop-up book with sound.
• Over one hundred patrons enjoyed 8 family gaming programs and movies.
• Children’s Services: Visited or visited by 5 schools in November. Outreach totaled 300 persons/12 classes.
• Adult Services: Presented information about CoLapl services and resources to college students at nearby Rio Hondo College. Information about this class (Get the Most out of Your County Library Card) available online @
Teen Volunteers
The La Puente Library in-house volunteers made signs, peeled old genre labels from picture book spines, created a story time art activity sample, and prepped a backdrop for the Holiday Breakfast Mystery Theater. Virtual volunteers read and reviewed books for the library myspace site.
As a member of the Holiday Breakfast Committee, I continued to promote the event via e-mail alerts, and produced a thematic character photograph for the fund-raising raffle.
Literary Notes
• Checked titles against holdings, then selected from RP list. Using CDBG, selected new books after reviewing titles at library headquarters.
o Delatte, M. (Ed.). (2009). Picture Books. NextReads Web site:
o Delatte, M. (Ed.). (2009). Teen Scene. NextReads Web site:
Team-Building Saturdays
Staff members of the La Puente Library participated in team-building activities, including birthday parties, craft prep, and even nail-painting fun on lunch breaks!
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