Family Events & Programs
The La Puente Library patrons enjoyed 8 special events (3 for young adults), 8 programs, and 8 story times this month. Marcus Miller presented an interactive percussion event for excited children, moms, grandmothers, and teens. Juggling fun with David Cousin enthralled the library kids and tweens. Buster Balloon attracted about 100 patrons, who were amazed by his wacky antics. Magician David Skale gave over 150 patrons a good laugh, and the Blue Submarine taught us about life under the sea.
Hollywood Entertainment Museum

Denise Garcia, a 12-year old attending Workman, described the class instructor as "cool" and "awesome." She said, "I just can't wait to make more videos. Being at the library is fun!"
The young adults began by writing ideas, then creating story boards, then filming their work. Marco Muniz, 6th grader at Grandview Middle School says, "We learned how to make and record movies. It was fun. My favorite part was handling the camera."
Nicolas Junior High School attendee, 13-year old Paula Vo stresses, "I learned about how acting can make your life feel more important --- it makes me talk. I'm shy!"
Library page, and Citrus College junior, Adriana Acaratachea, assisted with the class, "There's more to film-making than meets the eye. I didn't realize how many takes we would do! It was an experience of a lifetime."
The last class was a presentation, with pizza, for everyone in the library --- friends and family. Jeanette Freels, Community Library Manager says, "The library is pleased to high-quality programming that encourages young adults to discover everything that their library has to offer." The film program culminated in several videos that are now featured @
Attached Pictures
From left:
Denise Garcia (blue sweatshirt), Paula Vo, Jeanette Javier, Jose Javier, Marco Muniz, and Gabriel Javier
Ernest Waddell, et al.
From top left:
Ernest Waddell (blue tee-shirt), Steven Copeland (blue polo), Monique Delatte (green jacket), Paula Vo (sky blue hoodie), Denise Garcia (plaid shirt), Renee Torres (black shirt), Adriana Caratachea (rainbow scarf), and Dee-Dee Torres (black cat shirt, in front), Marco Muniz
Merchandising & Visual Display
Three displays were created: a book trough display promoting the David Skale magic show, a display of art books for the Parks & Recreation partnership, and a book trough display of beach books for the Parks & Recreation partnership. Four teens assisted with the latter two displays, and a frequent library after-school visitor helped with the former display.
We also promoted events, such as the Ringling Bros. contest, using signs created with assistance from teen volunteers. Photographs follow.
Literary Notes
o Delatte, M. (Ed.). (2009). Picture Books. NextReads Web site:
o Delatte, M. (Ed.). (2009). Teen Scene. NextReads Web site:
• Read adult selections Don't Eat this Book, by Morgan Spurlock; Way off the Road Discovering the Peculiar Charms of Small-town America, by Bill Geist; and Why Do Men Have Nipples? Hundreds of Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor after your Third Martini, by Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg.
• Read a number of good children’s books, including Peace, Love, and Vegetables by Jules Bass and Debbie Harter; Who Pretends: A Sliding Surprise Book, by Charles Reasoner; I’m the Best Artist in the Ocean, by Kevin Sherry; The BIG Sleep Book, by Guido Van Genechten; Sleepy Time, Baby Animal, by Louise Gikow; and Library Lion, by Michelle Knudsen.