Friday, January 30, 2015

#myozobituary for Not Me. : )

One for everybody!

@CountSnarkula Braggin' an ass ya' could see thru stained glass, Tj died takin' a bullet for PoTUS--mostly to annoy in-laws. #ozobituary
@thatpooja Lived in San Fran, so prob-ly did some cool lesbo stuff. Oh, we hear she worked for (or with?) secretaries of state. #ozobituary


tribal leaders rightly asked, "who married this stubborn ♀?" as she wrote multimillion $ grants to aid their villages. (4vidhya) #ozobituary
Like all ♀, would've benefited from hysterectomy to control hysteria, instead stole ♂s' jobs, performing hysterectomies. (4sis) #ozobituary

#OZObituary @delatte

Thought that the obit tweets that followed this story were funny​:

"In Friday’s edition of the Australian, the bestselling author of The Thorn Birds – which sold 30m copies worldwide – is remembered as “plain of feature, and certainly overweight, [but] nevertheless a woman of wit and warmth” in the first paragraph."
In the manner of the funny tweets that I retweeted, I wanted to come up with something about how phat I am and how much I love cats, like:
Warned by her much-deserved bullies that no suitor would ever marry such a disorganized ​woman​, she ensnared the 1st ​sucker ​to overlook her vegetarianism.
Rest in peas & try not to be disappointed when it rains bacon-bits in heaven, ya' overrated dagger-cozy. #myozobituary

Uppity cow forced recataloging of her horseshit book under her actual name instead of her 's name, though the spine remains (rightfully) his. 
Glad we won't see that See Ya' Next Tuesday --- on any day, ever again. 
Because she's dead. 

Had to shorten my tweets to:

Ensnared 1st ♂ to overlook her vegetarianism.
Rest in peas. 
BTW, it rains bacon bits in heaven, ya' overrated dagger-cozy.


 Forced a cataloger to recatalog her crap book to reflect her name, not her ♂'s.
Spine remains in her ♂'s name.