Thought that the obit tweets that followed this story were
"In Friday’s edition of the Australian, the bestselling
author of The Thorn Birds – which sold 30m copies worldwide – is remembered as
“plain of feature, and certainly overweight, [but] nevertheless a woman of wit
and warmth” in the first paragraph."
In the manner of the funny tweets that I retweeted, I wanted to come up with something about how phat I
am and how much I love cats, like:
Warned by her much-deserved bullies that no suitor would ever marry
such a disorganized woman, she ensnared the 1st sucker to overlook her
Rest in peas & try not to be disappointed when it rains bacon-bits in heaven,
ya' overrated dagger-cozy. #myozobituary
Uppity cow forced recataloging of her horseshit book under her
actual name instead of her ♂'s name,
though the spine remains (rightfully) his.
Glad we won't see that See Ya' Next Tuesday ---
on any day, ever again.
Because she's dead.
Had to shorten my tweets to:
Ensnared 1st ♂ to overlook her vegetarianism.
Rest in peas.
BTW, it rains bacon bits in heaven, ya' overrated dagger-cozy.
Forced a cataloger to recatalog her crap book to reflect her name, not her ♂'s.
Spine remains in her ♂'s name.